
Glass as a Filter in Curtain Wall, Window Wall & Storefront Systems

Glass as a Filter in Curtain Wall, Window Wall & Storefront Systems

Aug 06, 2020


Glass as a Filter in Curtain Wall, Window Wall & Storefront Systems
There has been a significant development in the construction industry across the United States. Many commercial buildings use glass as a curtain wall, as the natural light can penetrate deeper inside the building. Some regulations mandate enormous penalties for the buildings with an all-glass exterior, as they require larger mechanical systems. These regulations are driving the momentum for new ideas for curtain walls.  

New Innovations

The curtain wall has been optimized in such a way that the glass is considered a filter of energy, light, and air. Glass filter is actively being used for natural light penetration that leads to low power consumption in the buildings and storefront systems.

Energy Efficiency and Environmental Control

There has been a significant focus on developing window walls with higher energy efficiency and environment control. A decent envelop design can make the HVAC systems run efficiently, and the fitting cost would be much lower as well. If the exterior of the buildings or storefront systems face the sunny side, double skin façade can be used to maximize transparency. The double skin helps with daylight-responsive lighting controls, green roofs that absorb heat, and a blue roof that retains stormwater for irrigation.

Maximum Glazing

There has been increasing demand for the maximum glazing ratio in the industry. As carbon emission has become a vital yardstick for decision making, the choice of coating has gained prominence. In relatively cold climate zones, low-emissivity (Low-E) coatings are the best choice for curtain walls. These coatings minimize UV penetration and transfer of heat.

Reconstruction Opportunity

With this phenomenal change, the reconstruction of existing structures is also possible. Along with adapting curtain walls to existing structures, glass wall systems' design also supports adaption to dynamic environmental conditions and occupant needs. With these design amendments on the curtain wall systems, you can make hotels or commercial buildings on par with the current trend. For assistance with all your construction and renovation needs, contact Nikki Fox, Nikki@ParkwestGC.com, at Parkwest General Contractors.