
Increasing Popularity of Mixed-Use Properties

Increasing Popularity of Mixed-Use Properties

Feb 14, 2019


Increasing Popularity of Mixed-Use Properties

Explaining the growing trend towards mixed-use properties.

In recent years, mixed-use developments have become a major force in the hospitality, residential, and commercial markets—and for good reason.  By mixing assets, property owners can offer their guests and residents greater value in the form of convenience and increased amenities. Additionally, it seems that mixed-use developments are now receiving more support from investors and community planners.  This shift away from traditional hotels or residential buildings is due to the recognition that mixed-use properties offer greater service to the local community.  With residents and guests favoring these multi-use facilities more than standard housing or hotel layouts, investors have also been more inclined to back these endeavors. In short, it seems the that consumers, urban planners, and investors have not only accepted mixed-use properties but are now actually seeking them out.  With their proven appeal and continued success, it seems that these types of developments are destined to increase in popularity and design complexity. This is what you need to know about the trend towards mixed-use properties.  Inspired by this new trend and looking to expand your development to offer more services?  If so, then contact the experts at Parkwest General Contractors.  Our expert team is ready to assist you with all your building renovation and construction needs today.