
Enhancing the Workplace with Office Lighting Ideas

Feb 18, 2021

Hotel Remodeling

Enhancing the Workplace with Office Lighting Ideas Enhancing the Workplace with Office Lighting Ideas

Developing creative new office lighting ideas can bring vibrant energy and comfort to your workplace. Each office needs its own customized lighting solution based on several factors such as room size, number of windows, and room color. Here are a few ideas to explore for lighting flexibility in the workplace.

Using Multiple Lighting Configurations

An essential reason to set up flexible office lighting is to accommodate a variety of workplace atmospheres. There is a growing need for lighting designs to be simplified with the ability to adapt quickly when changes are necessary. Wireless lighting systems are the easiest to install and most painless to maintain. The combination of wireless lighting and smart technology helps meet growing challenges businesses face to become more modern and sustainable. Smart sensors are increasingly being used to integrate with business environments to collect operational data and other relevant information that can lead to greater efficiency. Sensors that monitor daylight and time of day can be embedded in lighting designs so that building operators can analyze the data to determine how to make the office more comfortable for workers.

Experimenting with Flexible Lighting Design

One way to creatively experiment with lighting in the workplace is to use it to help enhance productivity and engagement in the workplace. A flexible lighting system facilitates a more resilient and comfortable working environment that allows for energy and relaxation. The more productive areas of a big room need bright lights, while more relaxing areas of the room can be dimmer. Using a flexible workplace design strategy as the starting point for office lighting ideas is an effective plan. Colors can play a role in lighting design as well, contributing to functionality and ambiance. For example, red lighting can be used to indicate a room is under maintenance, while green lighting can mean the room is ready for use.

Mood Elevating Lights

People tend to relax more in dark rooms and are much more active in bright rooms, as lighting strategies often reflect the type of activity expected in indoor or outdoor areas. Companies that want upbeat environments to attract exciting talent and motivate productivity often do so by utilizing a combination of open space and bright lights. Thoughtfully placed windows can help meet lighting needs and also give employees a view of the outside. A recent study among 1,614 North American employees by Future Workplace called "The Employee Experience" showed that outdoor viewing was their favorite feature of their work environment. Lighting sets moods, as everyone has experienced in their own lives. Softer lights are associated with dreaminess and romance, while brighter lights relate more to work or play activity. Softer lighting can also be used in relaxed environments. Natural daylight can blend well with indoor augmented white light, as reported by researchers who continue to study the benefits of tunable white lighting. Another significant influence of lighting on people is it can boost your well-being, which is the purpose of the WELL Building Standard. Buildings with WELL certifications indicate that construction is designed to enhance human health and well-being. The above office lighting ideas can be used in brainstorming sessions for designing your workplace. Contact Nikki Fox, Nikki@ParkwestGC.com, at Parkwest General Contractors to learn more about how we can meet your needs for customized construction.