The hotel industry has been resilient during the pandemic, which forced many hotels to adopt social distancing strategies with changes in layout and technology. But it's also been a struggle dealing with inflation, labor shortages, and supply chain slowdowns, all contributing to rising hotel costs. Here are insightful hotel marketing strategy tips to help increase your hotel bookings.
Search engines and comparative search tools have made it easy for travelers to find the best deals. One of the best hotel marketing strategy tips to consider is to maximize SEO techniques on your website.
Just as important as using the right keywords to showcase your hotel is making your website mobile-friendly. Google and other search engines favor the mobile market since many people now use their smartphones to make purchases. Mobile users are the most ready-to-buy online customers. Providing details on your hotel via blogs and videos also helps boost your search rankings.
The hotel industry needs to work on lowering its high abandon rate of 75 percent for online booking attempts. This problem can be resolved through remarketing. You simply need to display better ads to the same people who recently visited your site. Consider making hotel deals more advantageous for guests to choose your brand over competitors.
Your online advertising campaigns should be directed at your target audience rather than a general audience. Another one of the most crucial hotel marketing strategy tips to consider is to divide your target market into segments and create sales personas for each one. Personas can be avatars or just descriptive words. Many hotels divide segments by income level, offering different room price options.
During peak hotel booking seasons, you should maximize your marketing efforts. Spending more marketing dollars during high-demand periods is a better strategy than risking those dollars during a low-demand season.
Another powerful hotel marketing tip is to go above and beyond what your guests expect in creating a memorable hotel experience. The more you impress guests by treating them as special, the more it will help word-of-mouth promotion for your hotel.
Use these marketing tips to help grow your market during uncertain economic times. If your budget allows for remodeling, consider a new design that can make your hotel property more attractive. Contact us at Parkwest General Contractors for more information on improving your hotel as an investment.