
Emerging Principles for Future Workplace Design

Dec 23, 2020

Hotel Remodeling

Emerging Principles for Future Workplace Design Emerging Principles for Future Workplace Design

The workplace of the future will be very different from today's offices. The pandemic has been a key factor for designers of office space to rethink floor layouts and overall workplace environments. Here are some emerging principles for future workplace design.

Beyond Walls and Windows

The future workplace environment will be shaped by smart technology and the need for utilizing space for community purposes. While today's office is often crowded with equipment and cubicles are placed close to each other, new designs will allow for more open space. The advent of the cloud and remote work will be major factors that will influence what future offices look like. The traditional office was designed for space efficiency to allow for maximum physical equipment to fit within the rooms. The cloud eliminates the need for space to be occupied by physical machines.

Most office functions of last century can now be achieved through digital technology. In that sense, the future workplace is more of a state of mind, as a business can exist in many places around the world without purchasing or leasing property. For businesses such as hotels, an emphasis will be placed on furniture arrangement that reduces the amount of traffic in lobbies. The check-in and check-out process will be more simplified and based on digital communications. Buildings with multi-level settings will be designed to have more open sections to facilitate social distancing.

How Smart Technology Will Influence Workplace Design

Future workplace design will grow from current smart technology, which provides a business comprehensive data about its operations. Various data collected by smart sensors in IoT devices will be used to make operations more efficient. Metrics such as indoor pollution levels will be captured by sensors as analysts look for ways to create healthier work environments.

The future workplace will be designed to be energy efficient as well as safe for employees in case social distancing is necessary. Managers will be able to monitor room temperatures with mobile devices in real-time. Smart technology will also let building occupants know which workstations are open, which will help accelerate productivity. Another dimension to the future workplace environment will be technology such as mobile apps and AI. The more a building is integrated with IoT devices to gather data, the faster decision-makers can make adjustments by evaluating a wealth of real-time data in a short time.

More Sustainable Solutions

Businesses are already responding to the growing concerns about climate change and becoming more efficient. The most adventurous green companies go for LEED certification, which boosts the firm's credibility as using sustainable materials. Many schools are working on becoming more energy efficient by upgrading HVAC systems and installing indirect UV lighting. Modifying classroom space to allow for more flexibility is another strategy schools are using as they transform during the pandemic. Ultimately, workspaces of the future will be more customized to suit the needs of the business.

Company leaders need to envision the customer they want then develop goals for attracting them. The workplace of the future will be designed with plenty of modern science about efficiency and environmental safety baked into the equation. For answers to questions about hotel renovation, contact Nikki Fox at Parkwest General Contractors at Nikki@ParkwestCG.com. Our experienced team is ready to guide you toward an innovative hotel construction project.